If you’re surfing the internet for new HD porn to watch, one of the most recommended websites to visit is Pornhub. Pornhub’s collection on HD porn videos is large and is offered for free viewing through their site. The constant updates on the website will basically let you view fresh and new videos daily. It also has a good selection of genres that you can choose from.
The website doesn’t let you save or download the videos for offline viewing and the best option for you to download top rated porn videos from PornHub and watch videos offline is with VideoPower RED.
ZEUS can do what the VideoPower series can do and more with an almost similar interface.
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VideoPower RED is an application that helps you to download HD porn videos from PornHub and other porn websites. Through the application you can copy the Link URL of the video and paste it on the application to start downloading. You can also use the embedded browser that is found within the application and download porn videos while you watch. The Application itself has a screen recorder function that will let you record your screen and save porn videos so you can view them offline.
Method 1: Use the Download Function to Download Porn Videos from PornHub
Step 1: Go to the Page Url and Copy web address
Open Pornhub website and choose the video you want to save and copy link address
Step 2: Open VideoPower RED then Paste web address
On the “Download” function screen, you need to click the Paste Url button and the copied link will automatically start to Download.
You Can also download multiple videos at once, just add Click the Add Batch Url button and paste multiple link addresses.
Step 3: Check the Downloaded Videos
When the video download is completed, it will automatically be placed in the “Completed” tab. You may double click the video to preview it or press right-click on the downloaded file to view more available functions that you can do.
Method 2: Record the Porn Videos from PornHub
Step 1: Go to “Record” function screen
From the main screen of VideoPower RED , click the “Record” function menu.
Step 2: Setting the Audio Input
Click the “Audio input” button to select a sound source.
Step 3: Choosing a Recording Mode
To start your Recording, we need to choose a mode first. Click the “Record” button located near the audio input button, then from there, a list of different available modes will drop down for you to choose from.
Today we will set the recording mode to Full screen
Step 4: Recording the Porn Video Starts
After the initial countdown, a recording toolbar will pop up, this indicates that the recording started, you can press Ctrl+Alt+E to show/hide the recording toolbar. Play the video to have it recorded.
Step 5: Recording Process Done
After the porn video recording is done press Ctrl+Alt+E to show/hide the recording toolbar, click the “Stop” button on the toolbar to end the recording.
The Video file that we recorded will be added to the Recording list. You can right-click the recorded file to see what available options that you can do.
Pornhub is a website that you want to visit if you want to let off some steam, the website offers full length videos with high quality resolution and features different genres and porn stars. Even Though its collection of porn videos is large and you can’t save them locally to your computer, the updates of new and fresh videos just keep on coming.
The best option for watching them offline is to Download Top Rated Porn Videos from PornHub with VideoPower RED. The Download function where you can just copy the link and paste it the application saves you some time and you can even download in batch process at once, plus you get to enjoy some additional functions such as the video editor, converter, video library, and more!
ZEUS series can do everything that VideoPower series can do and more, the interface is almost the same. Check out NOW! Start easier with more affordable prices!
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