Do you like some sweets? How about some chocolatey black porn to taste? If you’re into black porn videos, then BangHer has loads of it for free streaming. It calls itself a home for the best amateur porn. Checking out its content, you will definitely find the finest homemade black porn so we may as well agree on what they claim. They have the best black porn collections!
If you like some ass hardcore, then just Bang Her! That’s quite a good vibe to give your viewers, isn’t it? BangHer even perfectly matches its niche-focused with a black-themed website. Aside from its great content, you can also enjoy interacting with other users through its LiveChat. If you prefer to stream offline you can download BangHer videos through VideoPower RED or ZEUS.
Download and try the trial version below to start your porn video downloads!
With the use of the porn video downloader trial version, you can download one video or audio at the same time. For unlimited and simultaneous porn video downloading, please upgrade to the full version.
ZEUS can do what the VideoPower series can do and more with an almost similar interface.
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VideoPower RED (will jump to is a multifunctional software with an easy-to-use interface for easy navigation. This is perfect even for non-technical users. It has a built-in browser with auto-detection functionality which auto-detects the video playing and downloads it. Is there something easier than that? Better grab your tissue and get ready banging with BangHer black porn videos!
Method 1: Use Auto-Detection to Download BangHer Videos
Step 1: Exclude Ads to download BangHer videos
Launch the VideoPower RED application and open the “Settings” by clicking the icon on the right side of the software interface. Then a list of options will pop up, click “Settings”.
To disable the ads for the download, head on to the “Download” tab and click check the “Ignore video smaller than (KB)”. Then set the KB size to “1024”. Ads are usually smaller than 1024 KB that’s why it is important to set that high.
If all is set, click the “OK” button to proceed with the download.
Step 2: Detect Video via Embedded browser
VideoPower RED has a built-in browser which can be found under the “Detect” menu. Open the BangHer website using the built-in browser by typing in the website address in the top bar and play the preferred video. The software will then auto-detect the video played and automatically downloads it.
Step 3: Start downloading
The video will then be processed for downloading. You will see it added automatically in the “Downloading” tab.
Step 4: Download complete
After the downloading process is complete, go to the “Completed” tab to check the downloaded video. Right-click the video file to see more options.
Method 2: Record Screen of BangHer Videos
Step 1: Choose the recording mode
Get ready to play the portion you want to record through your PC browser and then launch the record function by clicking the “Record” menu from the software interface. Click the “Record” button to choose the recording mode. You can tap the fullscreen or region as you want. We will record a specific area for the below example.
Step 2: Start to record the BangHer videos
After selecting a recording region, click “OK” on the popup window. The recording will start after a countdown.
Step 3: Play the recorded BangHer porn video
Once the recording is done, the recorded file will automatically be added to your record list. Once the recording is done, the recorded file will automatically be added to your record list. Right-click the video to see more options reachable such as Play, Convert, Remove selected, Clear task list, Rename, or Open the folder.
BangHer is a highly recommended site to go to if you’re into the black porn niche. It contains the hottest black porn scenes, real amateur videos, and awesome categories. It is updating its archives regularly so you can expect to find the hottest and latest black porn smuts daily. To stream offline, downloading BangHer videos through VideoPower RED makes everything easier.
VideoPower RED’s easy-to-use interface allows easy navigation which makes every downloading and recording handy. There’s no need to complicate with multiple steps as it can automatically detect the video playing through its built-in browser. It also has many additional functions such as a built-in video editor for basic editing, converter, a library for streaming, etc.
ZEUS series can do everything that VideoPower series can do and more, the interface is almost the same. Check out NOW! Start easier with more affordable prices!
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