PalmTube is a porn tube site that offers the highest quality and Premium content of porn videos in the palm of your hands. It is a perfect destination to find great porn scenes. Most of Palmtube porn videos feature the most prominent pornstars in the adult industry like tyler nixon palmtube, alura jenson palmtube, eva karera palmtube, and others which are produced by big companies like Brazzers and Fake Network.
However, it is hard too not to mention some issues on the PalmTube site. Clicking on PalmTube anal category type to try the video, takes a lot of buffering to play which ruins the streaming experience. It may be because of plenty of recommendations below the videos which slow down the loading of video to play. Regardless of the reasons, it’s the most important thing that PalmTube needs to fix.
With all these great XXX PalmTube scenes available which are usually can be seen on big paysites, it would be nice to be able to stream and download these videos from PalmTube. You may also use the VideoPower RED or ZEUS to use it as an alternative.
You can try to use the free PalmTube download trial version by clicking the link below.
ZEUS can do what the VideoPower series can do and more with an almost similar interface.
Check out NOW! Start easier with more affordable prices!
VideoPower RED could help you with that. It is a highly recommended downloader tool that allows the easy and fast way to download PalmTube videos through its advanced features.
Method 1: Download XXX PalmTube Videos through Auto-Detection
Step 1: Exclude Ads during XXX PalmTube Downloads
Launch the VideoPower RED application and open the “Settings” by clicking the icon on the right side of the software interface. Then a list of options will pop-up, click select the “Settings”.
A settings dialog box will show up where you can modify the default settings. To disable the ads for the download, head on to the “Download” tab and click check the “Ignore video smaller than (KB) and set the KB size to”1024”. Ads are usually smaller than 1024 KB that’s why it is important to set that high.
If all is set, click the “OK” button to proceed with the download.
Step 2: Open and play video on built-in browser
Open the built-in browser by clicking the “Detect” menu from the software interface. Enter the website and play the preferred video to download. The advanced detector will automatically detect the video playing and auto-download it. To download multiple videos simultaneously, just add a browser tab and repeat the same procedure.
All downloading video files will automatically display under the “Downloading” tab.
Step 3: Video downloading
Once detected, the video will be processed for download which is displayed under the “Downloading” tab.
Step 4: XXX PalmTube Video download complete
Once the download process is completed, the downloaded video file will be displayed under the “Completed” tab. Right-click the video file to see more options.
Method 2: Record Screen of XXX PalmTube Video
Step 1: Set recording area
To start recording, click the “Record” menu and set the recording area by clicking the “Record dropdown” button. You can select from the available recording area options such as Fullscreen, Region, Around mouse, Web camera, or Audio only. Once a recording area is selected, a countdown will appear indicating that the recording will start.
In this example, we will use the recording area by Region.
Step 2: Start recording
After the countdown, a small box of recording options will pop-up. Click pause or stop if necessary.
Step 3: Open recorded PornVibe video
Once the recording is done, the recorded file will automatically be added to your record list. Right-click the video to see more options available such as Play, Convert, Remove selected, Clear task list, Rename, or Open the folder. Select “Open the folder” to check and open the file.
Mentioning that PalmTube has the best layout you could see on a porn tube site would be an understatement. The layout and the color scheme just fit perfectly. It’s pretty simple but looks modern and nice.
XXX PalmTube video provides the highest quality of porn videos that are usually found on big paysites. In PalmTube, all of it is offered for free and just hands it in the palm of your hands. However, one great issue of this tube site is the streaming of these porn videos that need to be fixed.
With the help of VideoPower RED, a free video downloader, you can now get videos from the website in just a few clicks.
ZEUS series can do everything that VideoPower series can do and more, the interface is almost the same. Check out NOW! Start easier with more affordable prices!
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