An Actress-Model Gehana Vasisth was arrested by the Property Cell of the Crime Branch for allegedly launching a production house for filming porn clips. Gehana Vasisth won the Miss Asia Bikini contest in 2012 and afterward participated in different popular TV programs and films.
Police said that the group of Gehana Vasisth allegedly forced some victims to do roles in porn films. They are also accused of luring aspiring actors to take part in the said role. During the lockdown, the group made some earnings in doing pornographic films in bungalows around Mumbai. They had accumulated a total of 87 porn videos and uploaded them to the internet for a subscription fee of Rs2,000.
While this incident is still under investigation, users should be more careful when directly accessing porn websites including the direct download of porn videos. It is already in everyone’s knowledge that porn websites are usually the main source of spyware and malware where user’s private details may illegally be used for different illegal activities.
One great solution is to use a third-party tool that provides the safest way to download and access these porn videos offline.
VideoPower RED is a highly recommended tool for a safer way to download videos through its advanced features. It has a video auto-detection that automatically downloads the video detected. Moreover, it has many other useful features like the Converter tool in which you can convert your downloaded file into your device file compatible format like iPhone, iPad, etc. You can also use its built-in video editor to enhance the downloaded video by adding subtitles, watermark, adjusting the brightness, trim, or crop. It also comes in handy for different porn download solutions.
- Can be played on the computer
- Eliminate Ads pop-up windows
- Secured from viruses, spyware, and malware
- Easy to download even at a slow internet speed
- Ensure user’s privacy
- Easy to collect and share with others.
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