A giant website in the adult industry, PornHub, which is known to have the most massive collection of porn videos had recently removed most of its explicit videos from 13.5 million down to 3 million. This is the action taken as PornHub’s response following the investigation’s revelation on Child Abuse.
PornHub is popular as it allows its users to upload their own Amateur videos which are publicly shared on the website for other users. Most porn videos uploaded are from unverified users therefore there is no way to verify if the video is illegally taken and if the persons featured are minors.
There are several complaints on PornHub about child abuse. This includes an unconscious assault of young girls and the naked video of a 14-year-old girl which was covered by the New York Times. For three years, there are already 118 incidents reported for child sexual abuse on PornHub. That’s too many according to the company which is why they took every necessary action.
As of now, this popular porn website removes all unverified videos from unverified users and prohibits some functions like download and uploads. This means that all contents now that are available are from verified uploaders. To get verified on PornHub, several social networking accounts should be linked such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, and others.
Together with these actions taken, PornHub stated in their blog announcement “At Pornhub, the safety of our community is our top priority.”
PornHub works hard to eliminate illegal activities and make sure that viewers are streaming safely. As a user, it is also an individual’s responsibility to ensure your own safety, especially when streaming porn videos. The highly recommended solution is to use a third-party tool for the safest way to download and access porn videos offline.
VideoPower RED is a highly recommended tool for a safer way to download videos through its advanced features. It has a video auto-detection that automatically downloads the video detected. Moreover, it has many other useful features like the Converter tool in which you can convert your downloaded file into your device file compatible format like iPhone, iPad, etc. You can also use its built-in video editor to enhance the downloaded video by adding subtitles, watermark, adjusting the brightness, trim, or crop. It also comes in handy for different porn download solutions.
- Can be played on the computer
- Eliminate Ads pop-up windows
- Secured from viruses, spyware, and malware
- Easy to download even at a slow internet speed
- Ensure user’s privacy
- Easy to collect and share with others.
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